⭐️ If you have come here from one of my social pics, images come from either one of my printable party packs, Costume Box or Halloween Costume online stores, or a collage pic created from my printable party vision board kit (feat. Images re pinned from socials / link to create your own one further down)
FOOD + DRINKS IDEAS: Greek Foods: Grapes, Olives, Cheeses Salad and Fetta Cheese skewers Meat and Vegetable skewers Chips and Dips Drinks: A great selection of wines! Softdrinks + Water SANGRIA: Slice Fruits such as Lime, Lemon, Orange and Apples Cover Fruit with bottle of red (or white) wine and 5 shots Brandy Refrigerate for a few hours, and prior to serving, add Orange Juice and ice Top with lemonade (Or sparkling water) SET UP + DECORATIONS: Grapes, Leaves Spray Paint fruit gold for golden fruit bowls COSTUME: See the YouTube video further down on making a costume out of a bed sheet in the Hair, Makeuo + Costumes video! ACTIVITY IDEA: Make your own toga outfit using toilet roll paper ✨ Keep scrolling for more Toga Party inspirations! |
⭐️ A Printable Toga themed party pack with wine labels, bunting flags, food toppers, and photo booth props, for your Toga party!
🎈 Seen one of my Toga themed party inspired collages? They are created with my Party Plan Vision Board templates! Use the kit to create your party mood board!
🎈 A 36 page printable eBook with how to guides plus tips, tricks and examples of creating your Party Plan Vision Board, which you can use for any theme!
⭐️Shop Costumes + Party Supplies from either Costumebox or Halloween Costumes (These are my affiliate links) Costumebox is located in Australia, shipping Worldwide, and Halloween Costumes in based in the US. Find your costumes for any theme buy clicking the links below, and typing in your theme in their search menu! Costumes pics below from CostumeBox!
⭐️ I have created a youtube music playlist featuring Summer Hits - perfect to play at the background of your party, plus a hair+makeup + costume tutorial playlist, to help with your party planning! Check out the videos below! Tap on the blue tabs below images to play!
Pics here are from one of my social pics, images come from either one of my printable party packs, Costumebox, Halloween Costumes or a collage pic created from my printable party vision board kit
You can see my Toga Party Pinterest album HERE
You can see my Toga Party Pinterest album HERE